Natural Curiosities

I have been noticing a huge resurgence in the popularity of botanical lithograph prints as well as natural history engravings from the Victorian era. My obsession with the book "Albertus Seba: Cabinet of Natural Curiosities" and the fact that I cannot afford this $200.00 book led me to Ebay, where I found a gregarious amount of goodies. Seba was an animal enthusiast whose collection was unprecedented and world famous. In 1731, he commissioned artwork of every single specimen in his collection; the result was "Cabinet of Natural Curiosities".
The various prints that I found on Ebay are much more affordable, ranging between $20.00 USD to $100.00 USD and above. I went a little haywire towards the end and found some great anatomy prints as well as some creepy beetle illustrations. My vision is to create a bathroom of curiosities, covering the walls of a powder room with these prints in outlandish and pompous frames. It will definitely give our guests something to keep them occupied!